admin 发表于 2022-2-9 15:45:44

央视译制纪录电影《浪浪回家/爱犬科迪:与往事告别 Cody: The Dog Days Are Over》国配中字 1080P超清下载

   Adopting an animal into your life can be a life changing experience. The documentary film "Cody - a homage to dogs" researches the possibilities and the accompanying conflicts and dilemmas when adopting street dogs and trying to treat all beings with equal rights. Taking their past and emotions in consideration. There is no guarantee for success. But if man wants to qualify as the greatest creature on earth, it comes with responsibilities. Cody is an adopted Romanian street dog. He had a long journey and so did his human companion. They want to share the learnings they had along the way and support shelters around the world so more dogs can find a loving home. Sharing their example of how profound a human-animal bond can be, they aim to inspire more people to adopt, or at least pay a visit to their local shelter. This documentary is bound to raise awareness that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter their past.

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查看完整版本: 央视译制纪录电影《浪浪回家/爱犬科迪:与往事告别 Cody: The Dog Days Are Over》国配中字 1080P超清下载