admin 发表于 2022-1-13 20:09:48

BBC纪录电影《苦湖 Bitter Lake 2015》豆瓣9.2 英语外挂中字 720P高清下载

  著名纪录片导演亚当·柯蒂斯(Adam Curtis)用BBC过去四十年阿富汗及沙特阿拉伯的新闻素材整理而成的纪录片《苦湖》(Bitter Lake)在BBC网站上线,分析美国、俄国、英国、沙特阿拉伯及阿富汗之间的关系以及“ISIS”的兴起,一时成为大家的话题。
       Politicians used to have the confidence to tell us stories that made sense of the chaos of world events. But now there are no big stories and politicians react randomly to every new crisis - leaving us bewildered and disorientated. Bitter Lake is a new, adventurous and epic film by Adam Curtis that explains why the big stories that politicians tell us have become so simplified that we can’t really see the world any longer. The narrative goes all over the world, America, Britain, Russia and Saudi Arabia - but the country at the heart of it is Afghanistan. Because Afghanistan is the place that has confronted our politicians with the terrible truth - that they cannot understand what is going on any longer. The film reveals the forces that over the past thirty years rose up and undermined the confidence of politics to understand the world. And it shows the strange, dark role that Saudi Arabia has played in this. But Bitter Lake is also experimental. Curtis has taken the unedited rushes of everything that the BBC has ever shot in Afghanistan - and used them in new and radical ways. He has tried to build a different and more emotional way of depicting what really happened in Afghanistan. A counterpoint to the thin, narrow and increasingly destructive stories told by those in power today.

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查看完整版本: BBC纪录电影《苦湖 Bitter Lake 2015》豆瓣9.2 英语外挂中字 720P高清下载