Delve into the secret lives of charismatic, captivating animals as they fight for their families against the odds. Get caught up in real life drama. Narrated by David Attenborough.
A mother puma must battle rivals, tackle prey nearly three times her size and endure the wild mountain weather of Patagonia in her bid to raise four cubs.
In Amboseli, Kenya, a rare event pushes a struggling elephant family to its limits. To save their dynasty, they must work together and overcome the challenge of a lifetime.
On Zambia's plains, a cheetah mother must keep her cubs safe, preparing them for life without her. They take on dangerous prey and learn that even tiny neighbours can bite back.
With the emergence of a young rival, a spotted hyena queen struggles to keep her grip on power - while also trying to raise a family - on Zambia's vast and unforgiving Liuwa Plain grasslands.
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